Some may not realize it, but they may be your best option: they’re sweet and grateful. Even if you are inclined toward a certain breed, we are sure that it may be waiting for a second chance to find a home. Unfortunately, most of the homeless animals were rescued from the street and never found their owners. It is important to consider this as it is only the proof that we all deserve a second chance in life. Adopting dogs can have more benefits than you imagine, just to name a few:
You will save one life
Every year, thousands of cats and dogs are sacrificed simply because many come to shelters and very few people adopt. This number could be greatly reduced if more people adopt rather than buy. Basically you will save a dog and leave the place to a new one that needs it. With your grain of sand, you will contribute to ending the overpopulation of homeless dogs caused by the irresponsibility and greed of humans.
You’ll get a great pet
Animal shelters and rescue groups are filled with healthy, happy, anxious dogs waiting to be taken to their new home. Many of them ended up there because of their human problems, not because of their bad behavior. Also, if you previously had a home you are probably already trained and it will make many things easier for you.
More economical
If you adopt in a shelter, usually the cost of sterilization, first vaccinations and sometimes the microchip, is much lower. In the case of mongrel dogs, have a longer life expectancy and in health issues, dogs of “pure breed” often develop various health problems, from respiratory to hip dysplasia or heart with exaggerated size. In addition, if you adopt in a shelter, they will provide you with any available information about their health and will support you during the adaptation process as their priority is to find them a good home.
Help stop puppy factories
We know you’re smart enough not to buy a dog from a pet shop, internet breeder or puppy farms. Puppy farms are something like “factories” that benefit from the bad state of their dogs. They live in impressively poor conditions without proper veterinary care, are usually sick and consequently have behavioral problems. Puppies’ breasts live in boxes to be crossed over and over again throughout their lives without human companionship and almost no chance of ever being part of a home. Once they can no longer benefit from them they are either abandoned or asleep. Most pet shop dogs and internet sellers come from these farms and will not stop until people stop supporting them. Adopting dogs (DO NOT BUY) is a way to make sure you won’t give them a penny.
Good for health and self-esteem
Animals not only give you unconditional love, there are also psychological, emotional and physical benefits of enjoying their company. Worrying about them gives you one more purpose in life and diminishes feelings of loneliness and boredom. By adopting, in addition to everything else, you will feel proud of yourself for helping a dog in need.
You will change their world
What could be better than that? You will have a new best friend and in the process you will give happiness and love to his life.
Change of perspective
If you have children, and especially if the new member will belong to a child, dog adoption can open your eyes to reality. It will teach him compassion and responsibility as well as how wonderful it is to offer a permanent home to a pet that would otherwise have lived in a box or would not have lived at all.
The adoption of dogs (or cats) is a bliss and a great responsibility so you shouldn’t take it lightly either. There are different things to consider to make sure you’re making the right decision for yourself, your family and your lifestyle. For example, if you travel frequently or spend most of your time at work, it may not be the right time. Similarly, if your plans include a drastic change such as getting married or having a baby, it would be best to wait until you are stable. On the other hand, if you have little time, you might consider adopting an adult dog (see more: Aspects to consider when adopting a “senior” dog). Food, accessories, grooming and veterinary expenses… Are you prepared to pay for your new pet’s expenses for the next 10-15 years?